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Pastors Letter

Dear Brethren,


Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus!


I trust that you had a Merry Christmas and entered into the New Year with a fresh commitment to love and serve the one who has delivered us out of the power of darkness and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son; in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins - Colossians 1:13-14.  Hallelujah!


As we are fasting and praying, committing our lives more to Him, may the love of God shine upon you brighter and brighter.  There is a word from Jesus that impacts my soul.  Matthew 6:31-32, "Be not therefore anxious, saying, what shall we eat?  Or what shall we drink?  Or how shall we be clothed?  For after all these things do the Gentiles seek."


Jesus warns us believers (children of God) about the heathenism of worry.  He tells us that worry - about the future, about our family, jobs, about how we are to survive - is a heathen's way of life.  Jesus is talking here about those who have no Heavenly Father.  They do not know God as He wants to be known, as a caring, providing, loving Father in Heaven.  Jesus said, "I will not leave you orphans (comfortless); I will come to you."  To those who believe, I say it is not enough to know Him only as the Almighty, the Creator, the Lord of Lords.  He wants us to know Him as our Heavenly Father.  "For your Heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things."  Matthew 31:32


"Take therefore no thought for tomorrow."  Matthew 31:34  In these plain words, Jesus commands us, "Do not give a thought, do not give a worry, about what might or might not happen tomorrow."  You can't change anything and you can't help by worrying.  When you do, you're only doing as the heathen do.  Then Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  Matthew 31:33  In other words, you're to go on loving Jesus.  You're to move on, casting all your cares upon Him.  You're to go on resting in His faithfulness.  Your Heavenly Father will see to it that you are supplied with all the essential things of life.  Blessed be His Holy Name!  See Psalm 23:1&6.


Psalm 103:20, "Bless the Lord, ye His angels that excel in strength, that do His commandment, hearkening unto the voice of His word."  This is not only referring to the angels of the bowls of wrath of Revelation.  Psalm 91:11, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways."  See Hebrews 1:14 and Romans 1:16&17.


I wonder if the angels are baffled by all the worrying and anxiousness of those who claim to trust God.  To them it must seem so degrading, so insulting to the Lord, that we worry as if we had no caring Father in Heaven.  What perplexing questions the angels must ask among themselves:  "Have they no Father who is in Heaven?  Do they not believe He loves them?  Did He not tell them He knows all about their needs?  Do they not know the Father sends us to take charge of them in times of danger?  Do they not believe that He who feeds the birds and the whole animal kingdom, will feed and clothe them?  How can they fret and worry if they know He owns all power, all wealth and can supply the needs of all creation?  Would they accuse their Heavenly Father of neglect, as if He was not true to His word?"


The birds sing, while we complain and talk fear, lack and express worry and anxiety.  I once said,  "as long as you see birds, praise the Lord for meeting your every need."  The lilies of the field stand tall in their glory, while we wilt and bend before the smallest wind of adversity.  I found this poem which states it so clearly:


The very birds reprove thee with all their happy song; the very flowers teach thee that fretting is a wrong.  "Cheer up" the sparrow chirpeth.  "Thy Father feedeth me; think how much He careth, oh lovely child, for thee."  "Fear not", the flowers whisper, "since thus he hath arrayed the buttercup and daisy.  How cans't thou be afraid?"  Then don't you trouble trouble, til trouble troubles you.  You only double trouble, and trouble others too.  You have a Heavenly Father, trust Him.


So as we have entered into 2009, let us let our light shine for others to see God's original plan that in and through Jesus Christ, God is with us;  Matthew 1:23.  We do not have to be afraid of what this life has to offer.  The angel of the Lord instructed Mary and Joseph to not be afraid.  Today the angel of the Lord would tell you the same thing.  Do not be afraid no mater what you are facing, you can be sure through His promises you are not alone.the Father God is always with you.


I invite you to come to our services, "The Sanctuary" - the place of refuge, a place of safety, where the troubled soul is able to take shelter and find peace of mind; but most of all, together lift up the name of Jesus.


God's Riches Are Yours,



Pastor Joe L. Barrera 



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